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Report No.

Post-irradiation examination on particle dispersed rock-like oxide fuel

Shirasu, Noriko  ; Kuramoto, Kenichi*; Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Ichise, Kenichi ; Ono, Katsuto; Nihei, Yasuo

To evaluate irradiation behavior of the ROX fuel, irradiation experiment was carried out using 20% enriched U instead of Pu. Three fuels were prepared; a single phase fuel of YSZ containing UO$$_{2}$$ (U-YSZ), two particle-dispersed fuels of U-YSZ particle in spinel or corundum matrix. The U-YSZ particles were prepared by crashing presintered U-YSZ pellets and by sieving them. These fuels were irradiated in Japan Research Reactor No.3 for 13 cycles, about 300 days. Though many cracks were observed in the pellets by X-ray photographs, significant appearance changes were not observed for all fuel pins. Distribution of typical FPs was analyzed by the $$gamma$$ scanning over the fuel pin. Non-volatile nuclide remained in the fuel pellet. On the other hand, a part of Cs moved to the gaps between the pellets and to the insulators. $$^{134}$$Cs and $$^{137}$$Cs showed different distributions at the plenum. Fuel pellets were taken out from fuel pins without bonding. Spinel decomposition and subsequent restructuring were not observed probably due to low irradiation temperature.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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