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Report No.

Development of the beam diagnostics system for the J-PARC rapid-cycling synchrotron

Hayashi, Naoki  ; Hiroki, Seiji ; Kishiro, Junichi*; Teruyama, Yuzo*; Toyokawa, Ryoji; Arakawa, Dai*; Lee, S.*; Miura, Takako*; Toyama, Takeshi*

Development of the beam diagnostics system for the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron is described. The system consists of Beam Position Monitor (BPM), Beam Loss Monitor (BLM), Current monitors (DCCT, SCT, MCT, FCT, WCM), Tune meter system, 324MHz-BPM, Profile monitor, and Halo monitor. BPM electrode is electro-static type and its electronics is designed for both COD and turn-by-turn measurements. Five current monitors have different time constants in order to cover wide frequency range. The tune meter is consisted of RFKO and the beam pick-up electrode. For the continuous injected beam monitoring, 324MHz-BPM detects Linac frequency. Two types of profile monitor are multi-wire for low intensity tuning and the residual gas monitor for non-destructive measurement.



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