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 年 ~ 

RANNS code analysis on the local mechanical conditions of cladding of high burnup fuel rods under PCMI in RIA-simulated experiments in NSRR


鈴木 元衛; 斎藤 裕明*; 更田 豊志

Suzuki, Motoe; Saito, Hiroaki*; Fuketa, Toyoshi


The RANNS code analyzes behaviors of a single fuel rod in reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) conditions. The code has two types of mechanical model; one-dimensional deformation model for each axial segment length of rod, and newly-developed two-dimensional local deformation model for one pellet length. Analyses were performed on the two RIA-simulated experiments in the NSRR, OI-10 and OI-11 with high burnup PWR rods, and results of cladding deformation were compared between calculations by the two models and PIE data. RANNS calculated the deformation profiles of claddings during the power transient of the experiments on the basis of the pre-pulse conditions of rods predicted by FEMAXI-6 code. In the calculations by the two-dimensional model, the plastic strain increase at the cladding ridges was compared with those in between the ridges and with the PIE data, and effect of stress variance induced by local non-uniformity of strain on the crack growth was discussed.



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