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Report No.

Design and installation of high-temperature ultrasonic measuring system and grinder for nuclear fuel containing trans-uranium elements

Serizawa, Hiroyuki  ; Kikuchi, Hironobu ; Iwai, Takashi; Arai, Yasuo; Kurosawa, Makoto ; Mimura, Hideaki; Abe, Jiro

A high-temperature ultrasonic measuring system had been designed and installed in a glovebox (711-DGB) to study a mechanical property of nuclear fuel containing trans-uranium (TRU) elements. A figuration apparatus for the cylinder-type sample preparation had also been modified and installed in an established glovebox (142-D). The system consists of an ultrasonic probe, a heating furnace, cooling water-circulating system, a cooling air compressor, vacuum system, gas supplying system and control system. An A/D converter board and an pulsar/Receiver board for the measurement of wave velocity were installed in a personal computer. The apparatus was modified to install into the glovebox. Some safety functions were supplied to the control system. The shape and size of the sample was revised to minimize the amount of TRU elements for the use of the measurement. The maximum sample temperature is 1500 $$^{circ}$$C. The performance of the installed apparatuses and the glovebox were confirmed through a series of tests.



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