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Report No.

Measurement of LBE flow velocity profile by UDVP

Kikuchi, Kenji; Takeda, Yasushi*; Obayashi, Hiroo*; Tezuka, Masao*; Sato, Hiroshi

Measurements of LBE flow velocity profile were realized in the spallation target model by the ultrasonic Doppler velocity profile technique. Hitherto, it has not yet been done well because both of poor wetting property of LBE with stainless steels and poor performance of supersonic probes at high temperatures. Measurement was made for a return flow in the target model, which has coaxially arranged annular and tube channels. The electromagnetic pump generates LBE flow and the flow rate was measured by the electromagnetic flow meter. Measurement results show that re-circulation occurred near the surface of beam window, which might affect a heat transfer of target container.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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