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Stabilizing methods against mechanical vibrations of vacuum exhaustion units on BL11XU at SPring-8

桐山 幸治*; 塩飽 秀啓   

Kiriyama, Koji*; Shiwaku, Hideaki


Stabilizing methods for vacuum exhaustion units in the optics section of the beamline have been developed on BL11XU at SPring-8. In this study, we especially focus on the vibrations from scroll pumps in the vacuum exhaustion units. Vibration frequencies are measured directly on the scroll pump under multiple conditions. The results showed that countermeasures to restrain the 30Hz vibration from scroll pumps on the beamline which was caused by working scroll pump are (1) using a damper for scroll pump, (2) pulling out the scroll pump from a vacuum unit support, and (3) settling flexible tubes and the scroll pump on the floor. These methods successfully removed the mechanical vibrations of the scroll pumps. As a result, the amplitude of 30Hz vibration on the monochromator crystals was decreased from 3.3$$times$$10-5mm to 6.2$$times$$10-6mm. The developed method in the present study on BL11XU is expected to apply to the similar vacuum units at the other beamlines.



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