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 年 ~ 

原子炉解体にかかわる廃止措置費用評価手法の検討; COSMARDを用いた廃止措置費用の計算

Study of decommissioning cost evaluation technique for nuclear reactor dismantlement; Calculation of decommissioning cost by COSMARD

大島 総一郎; 白石 邦生; 島田 太郎 ; 助川 武則; 柳原 敏

Oshima, Soichiro; Shiraishi, Kunio; Shimada, Taro; Sukegawa, Takenori; Yanagihara, Satoshi


A model for estimating decommissioning costs consisting of labor cost, device cost and expense, was developed for items which OECD/NEA had standardized, and was installed into the computer system for planning and management of reactor decommissioning (COSMARD). Input data files and databases for the decommissioning of JPDR were prepared, and the decommissioning cost was calculated with COSMARD. In addition, the decommissioning cost for a large scale BWR power plant was also calculated on the assumption of the advantage of scale. The calculations have shown that it is useful and efficient for studying the decommissioning costs for nuclear reactors to apply the COSMARD with database for cost estimation to the decommissioning cost calculation.



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