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Report No.

Report on the 8th Workshop on the Innovative Water Reactor for Flexible Fuel Cycle; February 10, 2005, Koku-kaikan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Kobayashi, Noboru; Okubo, Tsutomu; Uchikawa, Sadao

The research on Innovative Water Reactor for Flexible fuel cycle (FLWR) has been performed in JAERI for the development of future innovative reactors. The workshop on the FLWRs has been held every year since 1998 aiming at information exchange between JAERI and other organizations. The 8th workshop was held on Feb. 10, 2005 under the joint auspices of JAERI and North Kanto and Kanto-Koetsu branches of Atomic Energy Society of Japan with 75 participants. The workshop began with 3 presentations on FLWRs entitled "Framework and Status of Research and Development on FLWRs", "Long-Term Fuel Cycle Scenarios for Advanced Utilization of Plutonium from LWRs", and "Experiments on Characteristics on Hydrodynamics in Tight-Lattice Core". Then 3 lectures followed: "Development of Evaluation Method for Accuracy in Predicting Neutronics Characteristics of Tight-Lattice Core" by Osaka University, "Development of Cost-Reduced Low-Moderation Spectrum Boiling Water Reactor" by Toshiba Corporation and "Design and Analysis on Super-Critical Water Cooled Power Reactors" by Tokyo University.



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