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Report No.

Simulation of quench tests of the central solenoid insert coil in the ITER central solenoid model coil

Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Nabara, Yoshihiro; Edaya, Masahiro*; Mitchell, N.*

To investigate the conductor behavior during a quench, quench tests of Center Solenoid (CS) insert coils were carried out with various initial conditions in DC and pulse modes. The conductor has very similar configuration and parameters. The inductive heater, attached at the center of the length, initiated an artificial quench in DC mode. A quench has also occurred during the pulse operation with the ramping rate of 0.4-2 T/s. Simulations of electric, thermal and hydraulic behaviors of the conductor during the quench tests in both modes were carried out by using the thermohydraulic simulation code. The experimental results were compared with the simulation and good agreement was obtained. These results are described and the implication for quench detection in ITER is discussed in this paper. The voltage tap method will be used for the quench detection for the CS, and the sensitivity of the detection and the maximum temperature of the conductor during a quench are described. It is shown that the detection system could be designed with high enough detection sensitivity.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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