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Report No.

Measurement of emittance for electron bunches compressed by velocity bunching via double-slit-scan method

Iijima, Hokuto; Hajima, Ryoichi; Uesaka, Mitsuru*; Sakumi, Akira*; Sakamoto, Fumito*; Ueda, Toru*

We report the availability of velocity bunching in an energy recovery linac (ERL) by a numerical analysis, and the plan of precise measurement of bunching emittance via a double-slit-scan method. The simulation performed for eight TESLA-type cavities reveals successful bunch compression from 3.2 ps to 0.17 ps. Since the residual energy spread after velocity bunching is considerably smaller than the correlated energy spread required for magnetic compression through a recirculation loop, velocity bunching is useful to realized short-pulse and high-brightness X-rays by ERL. The emittance of velocity bunching was calculated to be 1.5 $$pi$$mm.mrad for the bunch charge of 77pC without the emittance compensation by an external solenoid field. Although the emittance growth due to the space-charge effect was small in the simulation, it is necessary to evaluate the emittance-growth mechanism under velocity bunching. Therefore, the emittance measurement via double-slit-scan method is carrying out in the UTNL-18L.



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