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Report No.

Analysis of an aspect ratio effect on the stability of external MHD modes in tokamaks with the Newcomb equation

Aiba, Nobuyuki; Tokuda, Shinji; Ishizawa, Tomoko*

We develop the method for the stability analysis of a ideal external magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mode by solving the eigenvalue problem associated with the two-dimensional Newcomb equation, the inertia free linear ideal MHD equation. This eigenvalue problem can be expected to provide a powerful tool for not only a low-n external MHD mode but also a high-n mode, where n is a toroidal mode number. With this method, we analyze an effect of the aspect ratio on the stability of middle-n (1$$<$$n$$<$$10) external MHD modes in tokamaks; this gets attention for the design research of a high performance tokamak. As the result of this work, we study that external MHD modes become stable as the aspect ratio decreases, and also find that the stability of middle-n external modes becomes important because an effect of a conducting wall is enhanced by reducing the aspect ratio.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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