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Development of a neutron-imaging detector based on pulse-height correlation between two superconducting tunnel junctions on a Li$$_{2}$$B$$_{4}$$O$$_{7}$$ crystal

Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; Katagiri, Masaki; Chen, Y. E.*; Ukibe, Masahiro*; Okubo, Masataka*

We have been developing a position-sensitive neutron detector, which exhibits a high spatial resolution of the order of 10 microns and high detection efficiency. The analysis on the pulse-heights or on the time-delay between the STJs gives incident positions of the neutrons. In this paper, the response of the STJs/LBO neutron detector measured using a cold neutron beam is presented. The two STJs have the same size of 50 $$times$$ 50 $$mu$$ m$$^{2}$$ and their distance is 1.3 mm. The count intensity in the correlation map varied depending on the incident position of the neutron beam which gives an evidence for the position-sensitivity of the detector. These experimental results were qualitatively understood by a simple solid-angle model.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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