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Report No.

Improvement of chemical stability of polymer electrolyte fuel cell membranes by grafting of new substituted styrene monomers into ETFE films

Chen, J.; Asano, Masaharu; Yamaki, Tetsuya; Yoshida, Masaru

The MeSt/tBuSt/DVB-grafted polymer electrolyte membrane showed a high performance for the fuel cell applications. The tBuSt contributed the high chemical stability while the MeSt contributed the high conductivity to the resulted membrane. The DVB crosslinker in the membrane further improved the chemical stability. The new polymer electrolyte membrane with a degree of grafting of 36% showed proton conductivity as high as the Gore-Select membrane, and the durability time was about 3 times longer than that of the traditional styrene/DVB-grafted one. Therefore, the MeSt/tBuSt/DVB-grafted polymer electrolyte membrane was more possible to be used for the fuel cells.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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