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Precision hfs of $$^{126}$$Cs($$T$$$$_{1/2}$$ = 1.63 m) by ABMR


Pinard, J.*; Duong, H. T.*; Marescaux, D.*; Stroke, H. H.*; Redi, O.*; Gustafsson, M.*; Nilsson, T.*; Matsuki, S.*; 岸本 泰明*; Kominato, K.*; Ogawa, I.*; Shibata, M.*; Tada, M.*; Persson, J. R.*; 野尻 洋一*; 百田 佐多夫*; Inamura, T. T.*; Wakasugi, M.*; Juncar, P.*; Murayama, T.*; Nomura, T.*; 小泉 光生 ; ISOLDE Collaboration*

Pinard, J.*; Duong, H. T.*; Marescaux, D.*; Stroke, H. H.*; Redi, O.*; Gustafsson, M.*; Nilsson, T.*; Matsuki, S.*; Kishimoto, Yasuaki*; Kominato, K.*; Ogawa, I.*; Shibata, M.*; Tada, M.*; Persson, J. R.*; Nojiri, Yoichi*; Momota, Sadao*; Inamura, T. T.*; Wakasugi, M.*; Juncar, P.*; Murayama, T.*; Nomura, T.*; Koizumi, Mitsuo; ISOLDE Collaboration*

磁場が原子核内で有限な分布を持つと超微細構造異常(ボーア ワイスコップ効果)が生じる。この効果を系統的に調べるためには、超微細構造定数と核磁気モーメントを系統的に高い精度で求める必要がある。本研究では、不安定核の超微細構造定数の精密測定のために、オンライン-レーザー光ポンピング原子線磁気共鳴装置を開発し、$$^{126}$$Cs($$T$$$$_{1/2}=1.63$$m)の基底状態6s$$^2$$S$$_{1/2}$$の超微細分岐$$Deltanu$$を求めた。その結果、$$Deltanu=3629.514(0.001)$$MHzを得た。

The hfs separation $$Deltanu$$ of $$^{126}$$Cs($$T$$$$_{1/2} = 1.63$$ m) in the 6s $$^2$$S$$_{1/2}$$ ground state was obtained in a precision measurement near zero magnetic field by means of atomic beam magnetic resonance with laser optical pumping on-line with the CERN-PSB-ISOLDE mass separator. The result, $$Deltanu = 3629.514(0.001)$$ MHz, corrects significantly a previous published value from a high-field experiment. With our result, the precision of the nuclear magnetic moment, $$mu(^{126}$$Cs)$$sim 0.776 mu_N$$, is now limited by the influence of extended nuclear structure on the hfs (the Bohr-Weisskopf effect).



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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