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Report No.

Field-induced antiferroquadrupolar order in the heavy fermion superconductor PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$

Kaneko, Koji   ; Metoki, Naoto   ; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Kuwahara, Keitaro*; Kogi, Masafumi*; Shiina, Ryosuke*; Mignot, J.-M.*; Gukasov, A.*; Bernhoeft, N.*

Neutron diffraction experiments under magnetic fields were carried out on the heavy fermion superconductor PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$ in order to reveal the origin of the field-induced ordered phase (FIOP) for $$H$$$$Vert$$[1,1,0]. The application of magnetic field induces the weak superlattice peaks with the ordering vector $$q$$=(1,0,0) in FIOP, which is the same as for $$H{parallel}$$[0,0,1]. The observed superlattice reflections for $$H$$$$Vert$$[1,1,0] result from the antiferromagnetic component of $$J_x$$+$$J_y$$; the induced tiny antiferromagnetic moments orient parallel to the applied field. This result cannot be explained by magnetic interactions and strongly evidences the underlying AFQ order with $$O_{xy}$$ as a primary order parameter. These facts clarify the dominant role of $$O_{xy}$$-type antiferroquadrupolar interaction in PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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