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Report No.

Development of public dose assessment code for decommissioning of nuclear reactors (DecDose)

Shimada, Taro ; Oshima, Soichiro; Ishigami, Tsutomu; Yanagihara, Satoshi

In order to review an operator's "Decommissioning Plan" applied to the regulatory body for approval accurately and quickly, Public Dose Assessment Code for Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors (DecDose) was developed. It evaluates public exposure doses for each year during dismantling activities in accordance with the "Decommissioning Plan". DecDose takes account of various exposure pathways such as cloudshine, surface ground deposition, ingestion of seafood, and direct and skyshine radiation based on the quantity of radionuclides discharged to the environment, and containers stored in the facility in consideration of cutting and storage of components and structures. Example evaluations with DecDose have shown that it is a useful tool for assessing public dose during decommissioning of nuclear reactors.



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