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Report No.

Long pulse operation of high performance plasmas in JT-60U

Ide, Shunsuke; JT-60 Team

Recent progress in development of high performance plasma and efforts to prolong their sustainment towards ITER advanced operations and a steady-state reactor in JT-60U are presented focusing following achievements; $$beta$$N=3 sustained for 6.2s ($$sim$$4.1tR) without NTMs in normal shear, fBS$$sim$$0.45 sustained for 5.8s ($$sim$$2.8tR) under nearly full CD in weak a shear plasma, fBS$$sim$$0.75 sustained for 7.4s (2.7tR) under nearly full CD in a reversed shear plasma. Furthermore, importance of these results and issues in advanced tokamak development will be discussed.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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