User's manuals of probabilistic fracture mechanics codes PASCAL-SC and PASCAL-EQ
Ito, Hiroto*; Onizawa, Kunio ; Shibata, Katsuyuki*
As a part of the aging and structual integrity research for LWR components, new PFM (Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics) codes PASCAL-SC and PASCAL-EQ have been developed. These codes evaluate the failure probability of an aged welded joint by Monte Carlo method. PASCAL-SC treats Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) in piping, while PASCAL-EQ takes fatigue crack growth by seismic load into account. The development of these codes has been aimed to improve the accuracy and reliability of analysis by introducing new analysis and methodologies and algorithms considering the recent development in the fracture machanics methodologies and computer performance. The crack growth by an irregular stress due to seismic load in detail is considered in these codes. They also involves recent stress intensity factors and fracture criteria. In addition, a user's friendly operation of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) which generates input data, supports calculations and plots results is introduced. This report provides the user's manual and theoretical background of these codes.