※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Subchannel analysis of 37-rod tight-lattice bundle experiments for reduced-moderation water reactor


中塚 亨  ; 玉井 秀定; 秋本 肇

Nakatsuka, Toru; Tamai, Hidesada; Akimoto, Hajime


The subchannel analysis code NASCA was applied to critical power prediction of 37-rod tight-lattice bundle experiments which JAERI has been carrying out to confirm the thermal-hydraulic feasibility of the RMWR. The NASCA can yield good predictions of critical power for the gap width of 1.3 mm while the prediction accuracy of critical power deteriorated in case of the gap width of 1.0 mm. Predicted BT positions agree with the experimental results. Models in the code will be improved to consider the effect of the gap width based on further studies in the future.



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