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Report No.

Plastic deformation behavior of type 316LN stainless steel in non-irradiated, thermallysensitized condition or in irradiated condition during SSRT

Miwa, Yukio; Tsukada, Takashi ; Jitsukawa, Shiro

Plastic deformation behavior to influence the stress corrosion cracking was studied for the thermally-sensitized and the irradiated type 316LN stainless steel. SSRT was conducted at 573 K in oxygenated water (DO=10ppm) for specimens. Each of the specimens was thermally sensitized at 1033 K for 100 h or irradiated at 473 K to 1 dpa. Between these specimens, the plastic deformation behavior and the IGSCC were compared. For the irradiated specimens, plastic deformation behavior such as the work hardening capability and the maximum stress where IASCC initiated was similar to that of thermally-sensitized specimens in true stress-true strain relation. Moreover, the effect of strain rate on %IGSCC was the same each other. It was suggested from these results that for specimens irradiated around 1 dpa, the initiation mechanism of IASCC was similar to that of IGSCC for thermally-sensitized specimens.



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