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Report No.

Internal dose coefficients for off-site radiological consequence analysis of nuclear reactor accidents

Hato, Shinji*; Homma, Toshimitsu

The OSCAAR computer code for use in probabilistic accident consequence assessment (Level3PSA) developed at JAERI has calculated dose to the public with internal dose conversion factors based on dosimetric models and biokinetic data provided in ICRP Publication 30. Since ICRP issued age-dependent biokinetic models for a limited set of radioisotopes as ICRP Publication 56, a new Human Respiratory Tract model, age-dependent biokinetic model for other radioisotopes and urinary and faecal excretion models were issued. ICRP has published age-dependent internal dose coefficients for a large set of radionuclides in its publications, but they provided only committed effective dose coefficients for inhalation and ingestion. Since OSCAAR estimated acute and late health effects for public, it needs internal dose coefficients for specific tissues and organs in arbitrary integration times.This report describes a code DSYS developed for calculating dose coefficients based on these new ICRP models. It also provides the internal dose coefficients for 54 radionuclides used in OSCAAR calculations.



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