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Report No.

Washing properties of n-butylamine oxalate in degraded solvent (Joint study between JNC and JAERI)

Imaizumi, Hirobumi; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Sato, Makoto; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji  

Washing properties of n-butylamine compounds, which are decomposable by burning or electrolysis, for dibutylphosphoric acid (DBP) and Zr in real and simulated degraded solvents have been investigated. In experiments with simulated degraded solvents, basic properties of n-butylamine compounds for washing DBP and Zr were examined and optimum condition was obtained. It was confirmed from the simulated degraded solvent washing tests that 0.25 mol/dm$$^{3}$$ n-butylamine oxalate of pH 2 could effectively remove Zr from the degraded solvent and the solution of pH 4 was effective for DBP, 95% removal of Zr and DBP were obtained by batch washing. The validity of n-butylamine as a degraded solvent wash reagent was shown by the washing test for real degraded solvent that was performed by continuous counter current flow using a miniature mixer-settler. The present study was carried out as a part of the joint study "Research and Development of Process Elements in an Advanced Aqueous Reprocessing" between Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute and JAERI.



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