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Report No.

Progress of neutral beam injection system on JT-60U for long pulse operation

Ikeda, Yoshitaka; NBI Heating Group; NCT Design Team

There are two type of NBI systems on JT-60U. One is the positive ion-based NBI (P-NBI) to inject the beam energy of 80-85 kV. The other is the negative ion-based NBI (N-NBI) at the beam energy more than 350 keV. Recently the pulse duration of NBI system was required to extend up to 30 sec so as to study long pulse plasmas. The four P-NBI units, which tangentially inject neutral beam to plasma, were modified to extend the pulse duration up to 30 sec with 2 MW/unit at $$sim$$ 85 keV. The seven P-NBI units, each of which perpendicularly injects for 10 sec, were conducted to operate in series for the total pulse duration of 30 sec. The ion source of the N-NBI unit was also modified to reduce the heat load of the grid for 30 sec operation. The pulse duration was extended up to 25 sec, $$sim$$ 1 MW at the beam energy of 350keV. In the next step, further pulse extension of NBI up to 100 sec is planned for the modified JT-60U with superconducting coils (so called NCT). This paper reports the recent progress of the NBI system on JT-60U and the design study of the upgraded NBI system for NCT.



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