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Evaluation of Nuclear Knowledge Management; An Outcome in JAERI

原子力知識管理の評価; 原研のアウトカム

柳澤 和章

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki


Taking into consideration of national funds invested to individual research divisions in JAERI during the course of safety project studies, one found that a total input was approximately corresponded to $$4b$$. Qualitatively, JAERI contributed to (1) the governmental policies, (2) the scientific technologies and scholarship, (3) the industries (technology transfer, patents, commissioned research etc.), (4) the local society in the lab location area, and (5) the international cooperation. Quantitatively, JAERI made the creation of added value (cost benefit), cost reduction and reduction of cost loss produced either in direct or indirect manner as research outputs. One found that a total output during the course of nuclear safety project study was approximately $$6b$$ taking into consideration of nuclear market creation at electricity and facilities related to nuclear. This ex post evaluation tells that cost benefit made by nuclear safety project of JAERI is 1.5 ($$6b/4b$$) and such outcome contributes to the increase of general domestic products (GDP).



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