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Report No.

Development of PVB film for low-dose dosimetry in radiation processing

Solomon, H. M.*; Kojima, Takuji

Low-dose dosimeters were developed based on the mixture films of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) and the acid-sensitive dye leucomalachite green (LMG). Chloral hydrate (RX) was added to the mixture for enhancement of the radiation sensitivity of the film dosimeters. Different film dosimeter materials were prepared using 9.07 $$times$$ 10$$^{-5}$$mole LMG per one gram PVB with various RX:LMG molar concentration ratio. The dosimeter response, which is expressed in terms of change in absorbance at 628 nm per unit thickness, increased linearly with dose and RX concentration. The PVB-LMG dosimeter system, in which the ratio of RX concentration to that of LMG is higher than 10, show measurable dose range of 1-100 Gy for $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-rays.



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