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Study for characteristic of dynamic analysis models for tokamak complex of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

中倉 健介*; 薬研地 彰*; 荘司 昭朗*; 荒木 政則; 閨谷 譲; 田中 栄一*; 島 裕昭*

Nakakura, Kensuke*; Yagenji, Akira*; Shoji, Teruaki*; Araki, Masanori; Neyatani, Yuzuru; Tanaka, Eiichi*; Shima, Hiroaki*

国際熱核融合実験炉(ITER: International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)の設計は、工学設計活動(EDA: Engineering Design Activities)のもとに約9年間進められ、2001年7月に最終設計報告書として取りまとめられた。その後、調整技術活動(CTA)を経て、現在建設に向けての移行措置活動(ITA)の位置づけのもとに設計検討が進められている。日本原子力研究所では、トカマク複合建家について、我が国の原子力発電所耐震設計技術指針等に基づき、複数の代表的な解析手法による静的及び動的な予備的構造検討を実施した。トカマク複合建家は、原子炉建家と比べて外観上の大きな相違はないが、内部構造上は、トカマク本体近傍の放射線遮蔽壁に多数の大開口(ポート)が設けられるなど原子炉建家の特性と異なる部分が含まれており、工学設計に引き続き行われるサイト依存設計に向けた詳細検討を行うにあたり、これらの解析モデルの特性を把握する必要がある。本報告では、トカマク複合建家の詳細モデルと離散化モデルによる静的及び動的特性を比較・検討し、離散化モデルにおける放射線遮蔽壁及びその周辺床の剛性設定方法の妥当性を明らかにした。

The design of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) had been done during the period of Engineering Design Activities (EDA) and its final deign report was published on July 2001. After that the further design studies have been performed as activities in the CTA and ITA periods. As for Tokamak complex, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) performed preliminary study for both static and dynamic analyses with a few types of analysis models based on the Technical Guidelines for Aseismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants etc during EDA. In comparison with reactor building for nuclear fission power plant, its outside is not so different from reactor building's one. However, its structural characteristics inside building are apparently different from reactor building's one, because the bio shield of Tokamak complex has a lot of large penetration of ports. Therefore, characteristic of dynamic analysis models for Tokamak complex needs to be evaluated in order to perform the detailed design of Tokamak complex in account for site-dependent conditions. This report describes results of characteristic evaluation with representative analytical models for Tokamak complex, which are modeled with Finite Element Method and Lumped mass, and it is confirmed that adopted evaluation method of the bio shield wall and floor's stiffnesses around the bio shield wall for Lumped mass model is adequate.



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