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Report No.

Analysis of the direction of plasma vertical movement during major disruptions in ITER

Lukash, V.*; Sugihara, Masayoshi; Gribov, Y.*; Fujieda, Hirobumi*

Vertical directions of plasma movement after the thermal quench (TQ) of major disruptions in ITER are investigated using the predictive mode of the DINA code. Three dominant parameters in determining the direction of plasma movement are identified; (1) the rate of plasma current quench, (2) change of the internal plasma inductance li associated with the TQ and (3) the initial vertical position of plasma column before the TQ. It is shown that the reference ITER plasma moves upward after the TQ, if the current quench rate is higher than 200kA/ms and the drop of li does not exceed 0.2 for the present reference initial vertical position (55.5 cm above the center of machine).



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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