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Report No.

Magnetic susceptibility of multiorbital systems

Kubo, Katsunori ; Hotta, Takashi

Effects of orbital degeneracy on magnetic susceptibility in paramagnetic phases are investigated within a mean-field theory. Under certain crystalline electric fields, the magnetic moment consists of two independent moments, e.g., spin and orbital moments. In such a case, the magnetic susceptibility is given by the sum of two different Curie-Weiss relations, leading to the deviation from the Curie-Weiss law. Such behavior may be observed in $$d$$- and $$f$$-electron systems with $$t_{2g}$$ and $$Gamma_8$$ ground states, respectively. As a potential application of our theory, we attempt to explain the difference in the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibilities of UO$$_2$$ and NpO$$_2$$. Then, we find that the difference in the temperature dependence can be naturally explained by considering the effects of the octupole moments in NpO$$_2$$.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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