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Report No.

External feedback effect on magnetic islands in tokamaks

Konovalov, S. V.; Mikhailovskii, A. B.*; Kovalishen, E. A.*; Kamenets, F. F.*; Ozeki, Takahisa; Shirokov, M. S.*; Takizuka, Tomonori; Tsypin, V. S.*

Effect of feedback system, placed outside the vacuum vessel, on neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) in tokamaks is analytically studied. External matching parameters for magnetic island chain are derived for the simplest case of step profile of equilibrium parallel current. The structure of dynamical equations for the island width and island rotation frequency in terms of matching parameters is explained. It is shown that such a feedback system can lead to essential shift of the island rotation, in particular, for stabilization of NTMs by the polarization current effect.



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