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Report No.

Summary of "Innovative and Advanced NDT Radiography" (JANUS-N-162 Supplement)

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The main thrust of this meeting was the interpretive techniques currently being applied to radiography (both X and N). The X-ray advances discussed were in many instances an adaptation of recent medically oriented techniques, particularly edge enhancement, color contrast enhancement, and various derivations from laminography and tomography. It is very surprising that so much time has passed before these techniques have been applied to commercial radiography. At General Atomic we applied edge enhancement and color contrast enhancement to our NR work as early as 1971. While these techniques have been known in X-radiographic circles for several years, there is still little application. Even less application has been made in the NR field. At this meeting, one of the first applications of laminography to commercial X-radiography was described and is available from Medicom Corp. In Weymouth Landing, Massachusetts. Although a simplistic application to inspection of ersatz fuel bundles has been made by



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