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Report No.

Studies on utilization of radiation from nuclear waste glasses to decontamination of feed for animals (II)

Kuwabara, Mikinori*

The present experiments were made to get basic information about the utilization of radiation from nuclear waste glasses to decontamination of feed for a domestic aminal. First, the effects of X-irradiation on glucose were investigated by the method combining ESR and liquid chromatography.Second, radiation-induced degradation as well as the formation of cross-links were studied for protein with sulfur-containing amino acids. Third, to characterize the products formed by radiation- induced reactions between plasmid pBR.322 DNA and organic molecules were analyzed by the method combining enzymatic digestion and gel electrophoresis. Fourth, the effects of $$gamma$$-irradiated whole diet on the growth of mice were tested by feeding and weighing them at regular intervals. Finally, pheophorbide, one of degradation products of chlorophyll in plants, were extracted from spinach. In the next project this will be subjected to study photodermatosis of a domestic animal.



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