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Report No.

The VRdose software system; User manual, report and design documentation for R5

Johnsen, T.*; Meyer, G.*; Edvardsen, S. T.*; Rindahl, G.*; Sebok, A. L.*; Sivertsen, E. R.*

In the VRdose R5 version the connection with the dynamic radiation evaluation system (DRES) was the main task. DRES can calculate the dose rate field of the Fugen plant in detail. By inserting special markers into the scenario, VRdose tells DRES what changes have been made to the model. The changes are about objects that are inserted, removed, cut or moved. DRES will then calculate new dose rate fields reflecting these changes. VRdose uses the new dose rate fields in the dose calculation of the workers in the scenario. The dose rate fields are switched automatically as VRdose plays the scenario and in the dose calculation. To minimize the calculation needed for DRES, VRdose can provide a volume enclosing only the area of interest for a given scenario and give the resolution of the calculation in all axes. In addition to the DRES connection, version R5 retrieves information about the objects in the model from the Fugen object database. Among the large amount of information available, are size, weight and surface contamination of Co-60 used. The wizard uses the size and weight information in the calculation of the man-work required. The surface contamination is used in a new feature that colorizes the objects after the contamination value. This makes it easier for workers to become aware of the contamination of pipes and pumps etc. R5 has been internationalized on all menus, buttons, messages and other text. VRdose can therefore be translated into any desired language. A feasibility study has been made into using Japanese characters in names and properties in the scenario. The manikins wear different protection masks and in version R5 the efficiency of the protection can be changed for each nuclide. Several other minor changes have been made, such as the ability to switch between extern dose and nuclide intake in the dose graph panels.



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