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Report No.

Development of "FBR plant engineering system"

Minami, Masaki*; Sakata, Hideaki; Yoshikawa, Shinji ; Yamada, Fumiaki

A software system for straightforward and quick conceptual studies and technical evaluations of fast breeder reactor plants has been developed, mainly targeting the Japanese Demonstration Fast Breeder Reactor Monju. The studies and evaluations by this system used to be limited within steady and nominal conditions, excluding influences by changing specification values in accidental conditions. In this fiscal year, a new software component has been included in the system for simplified evaluation of transient characteristics, which is an essential for complete design of an FBR plant. This new evaluation function enabled to detect specifications to vary over acceptable range in transient conditions, and to notify necessity for re-adjustment of steady state design specification values. This system was also utilized to generate a sensitivity survey program in order to evaluate appropriateness of Monju design. The appropriateness of Monju design was evaluated in two ways. The first one is to follow specification selecting sequence as the as-built Monju has actually been designed. The second one is hypothetical deviations of major specifications of Monju and observation of the influences on other specifications. As a result, Monju design was confirmed to be adequate from the view point of need to meet design limitations at the design stage of Monju. This system is expected to be systematically re-arranged, because the system has now considerably complicated configuration after additions of various programs for many objects. This arrangement will facilitate future contribution of this system to technical studies in order for development of FBRs.



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