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幌延深地層研究計画 第2、第3段階における全体研究計画案

Horonobe underground research laboratory project; The plan for the in-situ experiments in phase II and Phase III

松井 裕哉 ; 栗原 雄二; 牧野 仁史 

Matsui, Hiroya; Kurihara, Yuji; Makino, Hitoshi

本資料は幌延深地層研究計画 第2、第3段階における原位置試験等の全体計画案を記したものである

This report is described for preliminary plan in Phase II and Phase III taken into consideration of expected geological environment at position of URL based on the results of the investigations until FY 2002/2003. The project progress, duration of construction phse and total cost are considered as important factors for planning as well. The below items of in-situ experiments in Phase II and Phase III are planning. [Phase II] (In-situ experiments for understanding of geological environment) *Geological survey at drift face *Inflow measurement in three shafts *Water pressure monitoring and groundwater sampling around a shaft during excavation of URL *Investigation for EDZ around a shaft *Stress measurement on support *Detail investigations for geological environment around 250m drift and 550m drift *Excavation disturbance experiment in a drift *Investigation for desaturation zone and redox condition around a drift. (Engineered barrier system) *In-situ experiment on low-alkari concrete *In-situ experiment for gas migration in engineering barrier system [Phase III] (In-situ experiments for understanding of geological environment) *EDZ experiment for stress interference *Investigation of long-term behavior of EDZ around a drift *Detail investigation on fault/fault zone *Monitoring for the change of geological environment at earthquake *Backfill test in borehole (Engineered barrier system) *T-H-M-C experiment *In-situ experiment for corrosion of overpack *Investigation of the influence of a concrete to engineering barrier system and geological environment *In-situ experiment for interference between backfill material and geological environment *Backfill test in a drift (Safety assessment) *Tracer tests in engineering barrier system, natural barrier and fault/fault ...



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