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Data book of measurements and analyses on geological and drilling surveys for Horonobe URL Project

高橋 一晴

Takahashi, Kazuharu

本報告では、地表踏査およびボーリング調査で行った各種分析(微化石分析, 粉末X線回折, 全岩分析, 顕微鏡観察, 有機物分析)および各種測定(硬度測定, 色差測定, 空隙率測定)の結果について、取りまとめを行った。

Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) is carrying out with underground research laboratory (URL) project on the sedimentary rock in Horonobe, Hokkaido. This project is planned over 20 years. Surface-based investigation (Phase 1) has been conducted for the present. The character of the lithofacies, hardness, color, porosity, elemental composition, microfossil age, and organic composition of Masuporo, Wakkanai, Koetoi, Yuchi, and Sarabetsu Formations has been obtained by geological and drilling surveys at the Phase 1 investigation. In this report, I arranged the results of the measurements and of the analysis. As a result, the data of geological and drilling surveys has been similar character on each formation.



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