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Report No.

Establishment of the Traceability on Radon Measurements (Final Report)

Sakamoto, Shigeyasu*; Ishimori, Yuu  ; Maruo, Yoshihiro

This report describes development of a radon standard source for establishing the traceability on radon concentration measurements.The radon that generates by babbling the radium solution was used for calibrations of radon measurement equipments. However, as for the radon source, which is reported here, the handling is easier because a solid phase radium source is used. Radioactivity of the radon, which is release in the vapor phase, was determined from a difference between the radioactivity of the radium and the radioactivity of the residual radon progeny in the source. Germanium detectors, which calibrated the detection efficiency with the gamma-ray reference sources, were used to those radioactivity measurements. As for the radioactivity of the radon, which is released from the radium source it was found that they are 988 Bqs. Sealing this source in the stainless steel container that is six liters in capacity, the standard radon source of density of 167.5 [Bq/l] was made.



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