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Analitical prediction of groundwater flow in the shaft excavation effect experiment

柳澤 孝一; 今井 久; 斎藤 章; 大澤 英昭  ; 中島 誠

Yanagizawa, Koichi; Imai, Hisashi; not registered; Osawa, Hideaki; not registered


A hydrogeological measurement system was set up in order to understand the shaft excavation effect on groundwater flow quantitatively in the area of 300 meters square at the center of which the shaft is to be located. The meteorological and hydtological investigations have been performed, based on the data obtained by the measurement of river discharge rate, permeability tests and periodical monitoring of distribution of pore pressure. The present paper, first of all, describes the data and informations obtained from the measurement system before the excavation, secondly the handling of the data and the process for modelling of the hydrogeological structure and setting of some conditions for numerical simulation of the groundwater flow, and thirdly the examination of the model and the condition for calculation. Finally it referrs to the predictive simulation of the excavation effect on the groundwater flow for the period of the following three years. As the results of the simulated calculation based on the above model and conditions, estimations on the groundwater flow are summarized as follows: (a)Degree of decrease of pore pressure is smaller in accordance with distance from the shaft. The remarkably effected area is restricted within 100 meters during the next three years after the excavation. (b)When the excavated shaft passes through the Tsukiyoshi fault and reaches a highly permeable zone, the outflow into the shaft increases rapidly. The maximum outflow becomes up to about 30 L/min at the final stage of the excavation. (c)Decrease of the outflow into the existing shaft and drift is not distinct. However, the outflow decreases so gradually, when the excavation gets near to the final stage. Decrease of the outflow is about 2L/min. Method for the predictive analysis of groundwater flow developed in this study is required to be examined through a comparison between the results of prediction and the measurements during and after the excavation. It is ...



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