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Report No.

Report on scientist exchange program -analysis of uranium series nuclides in rocks and minerals-

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This report mainly described the analysis of uranium series nuclidesin samples of rocks and minerials, giving detailed procedures about them. The related analytical methods and techniques included alpha spectrometry for U-238,U-234,Th-232 and Th-230, which employedanion exchange and TBP-tetrachloromethane extraction methods separating uranium and thorium from matrix and electrode position method preparing source disks, gamma spectrometry for Pb-210, Pb-214, Bi-214, Th-234 and Ra-226, oxine-cholorform spectrophotometry for total U,in which the TBP-kerosene extraction technique was used to separate uranium from other elements, arsenazo iii for total Th, where the anion exchange method was essential to separate thorium from other elements; their data processing techniques using apple macintosh plus personal computer system as well. mean while,some comparisons of analytical methods between PNC and CNNC were presented. And through the comparisons, some advantages and disadvantages of them were discussed herewith. b



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