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Report No.

Complementary Laboratory Work to Examine Microbial Effects on Redox and Quantification of the Effects of Microbiological Perturbations on the Geological Disposal of HLW (TRU)

West, J. M.*; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Baker, S. J.*; Bateman, K.*; Coombs, P.*; Gillespie, M. R.*; Henney, P. J.*; Reeder, S.*; Milodowski, A. E.*; Yoshida, Hidekazu

In February 1996 the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corportation(PNC)of Japan commissioned a one year study from the British Geological Survey(BGS)to examine microbial effects on redox and to quantify the effects of microbiological perturbations on the geological disposal of HLW(TRU). The work was splitinto two tasks: Tas k 1:SKB REX Cooperation 'To perform laboratory experiments on bacterial processes to assess their influences on redox'.or Task 2:Microbiol ogical modelling the BGS developed code MGSE. This report details the results of Task 1.



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