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Report No.

Mizunami underground research laboratory project results from 1996-1999 period

Nakano, Katsushi; Takeuchi, Shinji; Hama, Katsuhiro ; not registered ; Ikeda, Koki; Amano, Kenji  ; not registered

Tono Geoscience Center (TGC), Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) has been conducting a wide range of geoscientific research in order to build a firm scientific and technological basis for the research and development of geological disposal. One of the major components of the ongoing geoscientific research programme is the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) project in the Tono region, central Japan. The R&D work of the MIU project has the following main goals: (1)Develop comprehensive investigation techniques for the geological environment. (2)Acquire data on the deep geological environment. (3)Develop a range of engineering techniques for deep underground application. The development of the MIU will occur in three overlapping phases over a 20-year life cycle: Phase One: Surface-based Investigations, began in 1996; Phase Two: Construction and Phase Three: Operations, have not started. The MIU site has been investigated by geological, geophysical, hydrogeological, hydrochemical and rock mechanical surveys on the surface and in the boreholes. To date, ground geophysics and investigation in three 1,000m-deep boreholes have been carried out. The hydro monitoring equipment has set up. Based on the information, modelling work on the geological, hydrogeological and rock mechanical conditions at the MIU site has been conducted. The groundwater simulation has been carried out in order to confirm the usefuless of the hydrogeological modelling methodology. Technical knowledge and experience have been accumulated, which allow application of the methodologies and techniques to characterize the deep geological environment in crystalline rock. The results from these R&D activities were used as prime inputs for the H12 report that JNC submitted to the Japanese Government in 1999. Results from such R&D are also acknowledged by other geoscientific studies in general. JNC will synthesize the results from R&D activities to provide a scientific and ...



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