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Report No.

Research on the Hydrogeological and Geochemical Conditions at the Coastal Area and Submarine Formations

Tokunaga, Tomochika*; Taniguchi, Makoto*; Shimada, Jun*; Zhang, J.*; Inaba, Kaoru; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Iwatsuki, Teruki  

One of the major concerns for the high-level radioactive waste disposal is the possibility of the radionuclides to reach biosphere by groundwater flow. Recent research results have shown that the fresh groundwater discharge from subsea formations are widespread phenomena, thus, it is necessary to evaluate the submarine groundwater discharge as possible pathways of contaminant discharge towards the biosphere. It is also important to unravel the groundwater flow and associated material transport at the coastal area and subsea formations. To better understand the groundwater flow processes and the submarine groundwater discharge, we have conducted the hydrological, hydrogeological, geochemical, and numerical modeling studies at the Kurobe alluvial fan and its offshore, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. In this report, the results of the following research activities are presented:1)Development and application of a method to detect the locations of the submarine groundwater discharge.2)Development and application of a method to collect uncontaminated groundwater samples from subesa formations.3)Measurements of submarine groundwater dischange fluxes by automated seepage meter.4)Hydrological and geochemical studies for groundwater flow at the coastal area.5)Geochemical studied to understand sources of fresh submarine groundwater discharge.6)Extamination of groundwater flow and submarine groundwater discharge using methane concentration and carbon isotope ratio.7)Numerical modeling studies for coastal groundwater flow system.



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