Development of Geochemical Monitoring Methods by Using Sr and Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions
長尾 敬介*
Nagao, Keisuke*
Isotopic compositions of noble gases and Sr in groundwaters and rocks from Tono and Horonobe districts were analyzed to investigate the movement and origin of the groundwaters. At Tono, 3He/4He ratios decrease with increasing of 4He/20Ne ratios. This means that noble gases at Tono are a mixture of air and radiogenic He. In contrast, a Na-Cl type hot-spring (Takasago) and groundwater from well DH-15 at Tono and all wells from Horonobe show the different tendency. These groundwaters must be contributed by noble gas with deep origin. Sr isotope compositions of groundwater at Tono are far from those of rocks and close to those of carbonates in fractures, where the isotopic difference between groundwaters and rocks (*87Sr) decrease with increasing depth. These results indicate that Sr isotopic compositions of groundwater are controlled by carbonate dissolution/precipitation. Experimental results of Sr isotopic compositions on water-rock interaction support the view. In conclusion, noble gas and Sr isotopes are very useful tools to study water movements and to discuss their origins by combining other geochemical approaches.