Study on the Techniques for Investigating the Geological Environment under High Differential Pressure Conditions(II)
青木 謙治*; 日比谷 啓介*; 戸井田 克*; 塩釜 幸弘*; 古市 光昭*
Aoki, Kenji*; Hibiya, Keisuke*; Toida, Masaru*; Shiogama, Yukihiro*; Furuichi, Mitsuaki*
High differential pressure condition is usually encountered around the adits and shafts in deep underground rock mass. As the depth becomes larger, the magnitude of differential pressure becomes greater. However, most of the existing investigation techniques are seldom applicable to the high differential pressure conditions. For surveying the hydrogeological and geochemical characteristics of deep underground rock mass, the development of the appropriate investigation techniques is highly encouraged.The purpose of this preliminary study which was executed the last year was to evaluate the applicability of the existing investigation techniques to the geological conditions in deep underground rock mass. In this year, the purpose is to evaluate the applicability of the existing investigation techniques to the numerical analyses for the hydrogeological structure of deep underground rock Mass.