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Fuel performance code "ACTIVE-II"


桂川 正巳

not registered


The "ACTIVE-II" is a fuel performance analysis code for a thermal and mechanical analysis of cylindrical reactor fuel element under irradiation, as a function of the actual reactor operating history. The fuel element mechanical behavior is analyzed by a generalized plane-strain procedure using matrix, especially emphasizing fuel-clad mechanical interactions, fuel cracking behavior and fine analysis of stressand strain distributions of fuel and cladding. The code also includes models of mechanical behavior such as restructuring, swelling and creepof fuel, fission gas release, plutonium migration, and swelling and creep of cladding. The ACTIVE-II code is written in FORTRAN-IV on IBM model 360/195. The output of the calculation is given not only in digital form but also in graphic display by plotter. Since the code is constructed by variable dimension method, number of meshes for the calculation is almost infinite as far as the computer can accept. The code can be provided not only for sodium cooled fast b



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