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Fabrication of PuO$$_{2}$$-UO$$_{2}$$ Mixed oxide fuel for the initial loading of heavy water reactor "FUGEN"


成木 芳

Naruki, Kaoru


The fabrication work started in fall, 1975 for "FUGEN" initial core mixed-oxide fuel of hundred fuel assemblies, which amounts to 18 tons PuO$$_{2}$$-UO$$_{2}$$ pellets. Sofar about 7.7 ton pellets and 1326 fuelrod of 0.8% Pu-fissile fuel have been produced with strict quality control, and the production work of 0.55% Pu-fissile fuel and fuel assembly are underway. Amount of MUF in 0.8% Pu-rissilefuel production were 0.18% Pu and 0.15%U. The various presentive measure to personal radiation resulted in the lowdose rate of 160 mrem per three monthsin maximum. The preliminary evaluation of fabrication cost showed a reasonable value in a ccmparatively small scsleproduction.



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