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Report No.

PURSE:A Plutonium Radiation Source Code

Yumoto, Ryozo; Sasajima, Hideyoshi*; Fukuda, Shoji*

PURSE has been developed to calculate alpha, beta, $$gamma$$ ray and neutron intensity from fresh plutonium mixed-oxide fuels which contain daughter nuclides of plutonium and uranium. PURSE also has an ability to calculate $$gamma$$ ray spectrum from mixed-oxide fuels. Four main decay chains of uranium, actinium, thorium and neptunium are considered. In addition, decay chains of transplutonium elements and some kinds of Fission Product elements which will be slightly remained in plutonium after reprocessing are also considered. Number of curies and emission energy of alpha, beta and $$gamma$$ ray from nuclides in these decay chains are calculated as a function of time. The number of energy groups of $$gamma$$ ray can be taken up to 18, the total and average energy of each groups can be calculated, and the $$gamma$$ ray spectrum is plotted by the use of a plotter. As for neutron generation, spontaneus fission and ($$alpha$$, n) reaction with oxygen are considered. PURSE is written in FORTRAN IV for the CDC 6600 and a running time is about one minute. A plotter is the CalComp 915-1136.



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