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Report No.

Detailed design of new material nitric acid recovery evaporator

Yokoyama, Hiroomi*; Kanazawa, Toshio*; Fukuma, Tadashi*; Tamekiyo, Kozo*; Yanagida, Koji*; Furuya, Takashi*; Kono, Hiroshi*; Ito, Keiji*; Shirakura, Takao*; Kashiwara, Shinichiro*; Fukutome, Yutaka*; Shoda, Shoji*; Hirose, Hiroaki*; Nakano, Nobuo*; Ozawa, Masao*; Ishida, Toshimitsu*; Kawajiri, Osamu*; Kamon, Shigeru*; Nakaoki, Kozo*; Kawamura, Shigeyoshi*

A detailed design for a New Material Nitric Acid Recovery Evaporator was carried out with a plan to use it to replace an already constructed stainless steel Nitric Acid Recovery Evaporator at the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation's Tokai Works. Most of the original Evaporator's conditions such as compliance with applicable laws, standards, structure, treatment performance and operating conditions were maintained when designing the new machine. The material is titanium with the addition of 5% tantalum. The Evaporator was designed with an operational life expectance of 10 years. We have calculated that the new Evaporator will have sufficient strength (including a seismatic design) and have the same evaporative performance as the already constructed one. During design, we referred to the results of already completed basic designs (Phase 1) of New Material Nitric Acid Recovery Evaporators, design and production of small-scale test equipment units, and the development of successful joints between different materials. We also considered manufacturing, installation, trial runs, maintenance, and the specifications for materials used for manufacturing, installation, piping and operation of the new Evaporator.



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