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An experimental study on transport behavior of colloids throuth the compacted bentonite

黒沢 進*; 吉川 英樹; 油井 三和

not registered; Yoshikawa, Hideki; Yui, Mikazu


It is necessary to investigate the transport behavior of radioactive material in the engineered barriers and the natural barriers for the performance assessment of high level radioactive waste disposal. Recently, the influence of fine particles, such as colloids, on the radionuclides migration behavior has been pointed out. However, the transport behavior of colloids in the repository environments are not fully understood, and few experimental studies on the transport of colloid through compacted bentonite has been performed. In this study, we investigated the transport behavior of colloids in the bentonite which is expected as buffer materials, mixed with silica sands under various ratio of the bentonite to the sands. The experiments were conducted by hydraulic conductivity test method using colloidal gold particles. The colloidal gold were about 15nm in diameter and bentonite was compacted to dry density 1.0g/cm$$^{3}$$. We found a filtration effect of the colloidal gold by the compacted bentonite mixed with 30 and 40wt% silica sands.



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