※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Fundamental properties of geoenvironment for design study of repository

谷口 航 ; 長谷川 宏; 岩佐 健吾; 佐藤 稔紀  

Taniguchi, Wataru; Hasegawa, Hiroshi; Iwasa, Kengo; Sato, Toshinori


To develop appropriate designs, as well as the manufacture, installation and construction technologies for the engineered barrier system and disposal facilities, it is necessary to evaluate physical properties of the rock mass that relate to mechanical stability analysis, thermal analysis, and seismic analysis (hereinafter referred to as "mechanical properties", "thermal properties", and "dynamic properties"). Since H3 Report, these physical properties have been broadly collected from the open literature, including field measurement data, as well as in-situ data obtained in the Tono area and at the Kamaishi Mine, in order to obtain more reliable data and to promote understanding of the deep geological environment for the purpose of design. These collected data have been added to databases on rock properties developed in H3. Thus, this report contains the upgraded databases on rocks, which include the features from a wide range of geological environments in Japan. In this report, rock types are classified into groups that have equivalent properties from the viewpoint of engineering, based on these databases of rocks. Then, design values of physical properties for the classified rock groups are determined by considering the correlation between each physical property. To date, the mechanical properties and thermal properties have been generally treated separately from each other. Here, the mechanical properties and thermal properties are determined by applying relationships between effective porosity and both mechanical and thermal properties. For the mechanical properties and dynamic properties, depth dependence are also taken into consideration.



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