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Report No.

A Quantitative measurement of soluble organic carbon permeating through compacted bentonite

not registered; Sato, Haruo

Bentonite-water reaction experiments were carried out by a batch method to estimate an amount of soluble organic matter originated from bentonite which is permeable in compacted bentonite. Bentonite (Kunigel V1) was equilibrated with distilled water for $$<$$ 180days at a liquid/solid ratio of 0.01m$$^{3}$$/kg at room temperature under aerobic conditions. The suspensions were then filtered by an ultrafilter of molecular weight cut-off 10,000 which pore size is approximately equivalent to the interlayer aperture of compacted bentonite. The concentration of organic carbon in the filtrate was analyzed. It was found that the concentration of organic carbon in the equilibrated solutions was between 3 and 4ppm. Since the bentonite used contains 0.31-0.34 wt% organic carbons, it is estimated that the amount of soluble organic matter, which can permeate through compacted bentonite, corresponds to about 1 wt% of total organic matter in the bentonite.



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